Monday, October 7, 2019

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research - Essay Example It may for example compromise doctrines of justice and beneficence in a research (Lo, 2012). Research with vulnerable and protected groups is another ethical dilemma. It arises from the doctrine of justice that established the need for protecting the participants. The rules however restrict a researcher’s freedom to explore a research problem from a systematic approach and therefore tempt the researcher to breach the rules. The use of self as a research subject is another ethical dilemma in qualitative research. This is because of associated self-interest in the research together with increased chances of biasness that arises from the subjective nature of a qualitative research, factors that undermine potential advantages of the approach to research such as a researcher’s rich experiences as a cheap and readily available source of data (Krishnaswamy, Sivakumar and Mathirajan, 2009). The scope of my study that involves exploration of human experiences is susceptible to e thical issues such as â€Å"autonomy, beneficence, and justice† (Academic Conference, 2010). Developing a research methodology and proposed methods for implementing a research is one of the fundamentals to a successful research. Ensuring an ethical research by providing for ethical considerations and implementing the considerations in a research process is however a challenge. This is because the ethical requirements restrict a researcher and scope of a research. I have therefore realized that the need to conduct a thorough research may force a qualitative researcher to compromise ethical

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